Call of duty cold war zombie
Call of duty cold war zombie

Finally, Ammo Caches are spread liberally throughout all the environments. If you’re looking for an extra challenge, activate the Rampage Inducer to instantly speed up zombie spawn rates and movement speeds. You also have access to the Death Perception Perk Machine, two Pistol Wall Buys, an Arsenal, and a Crafting Table. The Staging Area is a small, fenced in enclosure housing vehicles, supplies, and a teleporter. Get ready to go to work if you want to get any further.

call of duty cold war zombie

The bad news: there’s a security lockdown in effect, preventing certain doors and devices from operating. That means Perk Machines and Arsenals are active right away.

call of duty cold war zombie

For starters, the power to the facility is already on. A raging storm and an undead horde greet our Requiem agents, but there is hope. When first deploying to “Forsaken,” you’ll begin in the Staging Area outside the facility.

Call of duty cold war zombie